Starting at $9 this monthly subscription will give you access to video courses explaining how to build a website and other how to’s for building your business. You will also learn tips like how to speed up your post production with general information, knowledge management tools and hard drive space perception. The numerical operations of budgeting time & finances in the business of content creating. All of these elite skills are critical for any intern or recruit seeking employment in the modern workplace.

What does my package include? 

Exclusive package- Updates to your websites (drag & drop only), video & photo sessions, tool kits, landing pages and video editing.

Premium package- in addition to whats included in the exclusive package you may receive flyer designs, professional business presentations, and analytic reports.

Innovator package- in addition to whats included in the exclusive & premium packages you may receive CSS & HTML5 code writing, distribution and publishing.

Founders package- In addition to what's above you will receive cross platform media automation and integration.

Startup package- In addition to our packages above you will be able to book strategic meetings with our decision making team.